The current widespread use of internet has come along with many advantages. Previously, online marketing was not all that popular especially with people who had nothing to do on the internet except send and receive mails. It was quite hard for such people to come across website advertisements. The current evolution of the internet as a mode of communication is an invention that will forever be celebrated by online marketers. It is through this invention that social bookmarking has become a popular means of drawing traffic to blogs. Online marketers are now widely using social bookmarking to market their blogs and reaping huge benefits from it. Here are a few tips on how you can use social bookmarking to the advantage of your blog.
Just like search engine optimization or blogging, make sure your headings are attractive. There are many great articles on social bookmarking sites that do not get even a single hit because the heading does not catch the reader’s attention. You can modify the headings you use in social bookmarking sites to make them simpler, more detailed and more appealing considering the type of readers that are likely to visit these sites. In addition to the heading, make sure you provide a brief and interesting description of the article in order to provoke your reader’s curiosity and make them want to know more. This can be done in about 100 – 150 words. The first paragraph of the article should also be captivating enough to make the reader want to read the article. A boring first paragraph can make the reader not consider the rest of the article no matter how detailed it is. After you have provoked the reader, keep the reader more interested in your article by making your content clear, concise and interesting.
In a social bookmarking site, you should provide for the readers to be able to vote your article and also to bookmark it. Submit your article at the right time when potential readers are most likely to be awake and when traffic is known to be more. You should also make sure that you submit your article to the right category and not to the categories where all unclassified stuff goes to.
When using a social bookmarking site more than once, strive to build a respected profile by posting interesting articles and links to other interesting articles. Also, try to work with many social bookmarkers in order to increase your ratings in the social bookmarks as your network of friends is likely to follow you across the various sites.
Before submitting an article to a social bookmarking site, try to research on the topics that are popular in that particular site as not all topics sell in one site. You should also make sure that your article is not outdated, it is factual, it does not have spelling errors and that it is presented in a language understandable to most of the users of that particular site. After submitting your articles, make sure you make time to read and respond to any comments left by the readers.